Dr. Hao (Howard) ZHONG is an associate professor with tenure in the Information and Operations Management (IOM) department and the scientific co-director of Masters in Big Data and Business Analytics program at ESCP Business School (Paris). He received his Ph.D. in Management (Information Technology) from the Business School of Rutgers University. He was a visiting professor at the AI Thrust of HKUST (Guangzhou) in 2023. His research interests include data mining, computational design science, venture data analytics, and representation learning. His work has appeared in multiple top venues of data mining, information systems and operations research, including refereed journals (DSS, I&M, AOR, TKDE, TMC) and peer-reviewed conference proceedings (ICIS, CIST, HICSS, WITS, INFORMS WDS, KDD, ICDM, SDM). He has served as Senior Program Committee member at AAAI and Program Committee member at IJCAI, WWW, CIKM, KSEM, etc. He is currently a fellow of Center for Design Science in Entrepreneurship (DS:E). He also served as co-chair of AI cluster at INFORMS Annual Meeting since 2021. He has received the Best Paper Runner-Up award at WITS 2022 and ESCP Teaching Excellence Award in 2024. He received the ESCP Teaching Excellence Award in 2024.
Prior to joining ESCP, he enjoyed a three-year entrepreneurial experience, as a co-founder and Chief Data Scientist of a FinTech startup in China, which leverages the power of Big Data and AI to provide risk management products and services for top financial clients. The startup has been acquired by Duxiaoman Financial, Baidu.
My Erdős number is 4 (Me → Hui Xiong → Wei Li Wu → Ronald Lewis Graham → Paul Erdős).
My CV is available upon request.
Recent news:
Ph.D. in Management (Information Technology)
Rutgers University
M.Sc. in Computer Science
York University
B.Sc. in Electronic Information Science and Technology
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)